On July 11, The Immigrant Learning Center offered a two-day webinar focused on best practices for immigrant student success. I gave a 20 minute talk about developing critical consciousness: we discussed five things that educators can do to support multilingual, im/migrant, and refugee families and communities. This talk was based on a forthcoming article in Theory into Practice by colleagues and I:
Palmer, D., Cervantes-Soon, C., Dorner, L. & Heiman, D. (forthcoming, 2018). Bilingualism, biliteracy, biculturalism and critical consciousness for all: Proposing a fourth fundamental principle for two-way dual language education. Theory into Practice.
The Immigrant Learning Center is a non-profit organization that offers English language education as well as programs for the public to learn more about im/migrants’ contributions and experiences in US society. In addition to their outreach and education efforts, they partner with George Mason University on research projects (see more here). Such programming is essential in our country right now, with its particular political climate that often sets up boundaries between individuals and groups, rather than recognizing the humanity that connects us all.